Are your evergreen trees slowly going from gorgeous green to brown? This may be a sign your trees are dying, which can be caused by a number of factors. By tracking down the issue, you can stop the problem in its tracks. Stop your evergreen trees from dying by looking out for these common symptoms and then taking the next steps.
Poor Watering
When evergreen trees aren’t getting enough water, they tend to turn a bit yellow first before going light brown. Discoloration begins at the top of the tree then works its way down. When in a drought environment, these trees struggle to get their needles hydrated. This is why the bottom needles begin to die, so the tree can try to prioritize its water elsewhere. Dry soil is a sign you need to water more but you can also use mulch to keep that moisture in.
Not Enough Sun
Like many plants, pine trees love the sun. Sometimes lower branches aren’t going to get enough sunlight and may die, or too much shade can cause troubles for the whole tree but be less apparent because it will impact the lower branches and pines first. This is why planting locations are so important. If you can relocate the tree, it may be the best move.
Pests and Diseases
We see a few common diseases and pests you should be aware of. Most commonly, you may see pine beetles, which hurt the tree from the inside out. As far as diseases go, cytospora canker disease leaves bulges on your evergreen’s branches. The remedy is going to depend on what you’re dealing with in particular, so be on the sign for warning signs like needle death of inner branches or cankers that leak white sap. If you see these, bring an expert in to find out more.
Natural Causes
Over time, these trees go through cycles. After a few years, they begin to drop their older, inner needles, which may mean you see a limited amount of needle drop some years. If you start to notice yellow or brown needles near the bottom of the trees, this may just be part of the natural cycle and isn’t something to worry about. If it’s a real concern, check with an arborist to see if you can prune the browning parts and make your tree look a bit healthier.
Tree Care and Maintenance from Harford Tree
Ready to have the beautiful yard you have always dreamed of? Harford Tree Experts & Landscaping, Inc has been in the business for decades, providing customers with quality work and quick responses all at the right price. We service the areas of Harford County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City areas including Bel Air, Fallston, Perry Hall, Towson, Essex, Parkville, White Marsh, and Middle River. For service during business hours, reach out to us or give us a call at 410-592-7321. We offer 24/7 emergency service as well, just give us a call at 443-250-6649. For updates about our business and more informative tips, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.