Read along as we unravel the heart-pounding, thrill-a-minute mystery that is tree fungus.
As sole (or co-) steward of your property’s beauty and health, nurturing your landscape is a requisite duty—and absolutely paramount. Healthy, sightly trees can significantly bolster your property’s value and visual charm, but alas, good health and good looks can give way to… well, the opposite. -For no tree (O alas and alack!) is immune to the perils of disease and infestation—tree fungus being a particularly pernicious adversary.
Read along below as we unravel the heart-pounding, thrill-a-minute mystery that is tree fungus, all in an effort to better help you recognize the decidedly un-fun stuff, identify its specific manifestations, and take quick ameliorative action should ever the need arise.
Demystifying Tree Fungus
Tree fungus belongs a category of organisms that thrive by consuming the nutrients within trees. Their presence can trigger myriad tree health issues, and in severe cases, even lead to the tree’s death. These fungi are natural-born (and prolific) denizens of our environment, and tend to prey on vulnerable trees such as those stressed/weakened by (e.g.) incorrect pruning, disease, or environmental phenomena. Microscopic spores, the fungi’s reproductive agents, are effortlessly (and thoroughly) disseminated far and wide via wind, rain, insects, contaminated tools, etc. Once they find a suitable host, the ensuing feeding frenzy wreaks havoc on the unlucky tree, often resulting in an array of destructive symptoms.
Unveiling the Culprits: Common Tree Fungi
Several tree fungi varieties exist, each with distinct(ly insidious) traits to wield distinct(ly devastating) mayhem on trees. Let’s go over some of the most prominent of these nuisances:
- Armillaria root rot (AKA honey fungus): This fungus prompts white growth between the tree’s bark and wood at its base. Look for dark, stringy roots and honey-colored mushrooms at the base.
- Powdery mildew: Manifesting as a white or gray powdery coating on leaves and stems.
- Anthracnose: Characterized by sunken, dark lesions on leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits.
- Leaf spot: Resulting in circular spots on leaves. Swift identification of these fungi is pivotal to either saving your trees or safely removing them.
Identifying Tree Fungus
Now, spotting a fungus on your trees demands fairly vigilant symptom-scrutiny. Here’s a systematic guide-within-guide to specifically aid such efforts:
- Be Mindful of Discoloration: Fungal infections often induce unusual discoloration on leaves, branches, and the trunk. Look out for shades of yellow, brown, white, or other atypical colors.
- Keep an Eye Out for Any Funky New Growths: Some fungi take the form of yeast-like substances, powdery mildew, or even mushroom-like growths.
- Bark Check!: Fungal infections can lead to decaying, cracking, or peeling bark. Fungal spores may appear like powder or small, round protrusions. At a regular interval of your determination, be sure to give your cumulative quantity of tree bark a pretty scrutinous onceover. Should any of the above signs befoul your precious trees, prompt professional intervention is imperative.
Combatting—Nay!, –Curbing Tree Fungus
As is so often the case in matters medical-biological, prevention really can be your ultimate “weapon” against tree fungus. To that end, here are some savvy strategies:
- Prioritize Tree Care: Regular pruning, watering, and fertilizing fortify your trees, rendering them less prone to fungal infections.
- Know Your Fungus, Know Your Fungicides: Sure, a whole smorgasbord of fungicides is at your (potential) disposal for effective tree fungus control. However, correct identification of the fungus type is absolutely essential before treatment.
- Enlist Professional Help: It’s always wise to collaborate with local tree service companies equipped with the specialized knowledge and tools for adept diagnosis and treatment of tree fungus. Regular upkeep and early detection become effortless under their care; nipping it in the bud (so to speak) via an arborist’s expertise at the onset will ultimately save you money in the long run, considering that DIY efforts will naturally be less thorough and therefore may well leave an open gate of sorts for fungi’s perennial reentry.
Tree Care and Maintenance from Harford Tree
Ready to have the beautiful yard you have always dreamed of? Harford Tree Experts & Landscaping, Inc has been in the business for decades, providing customers with quality work and quick responses all at the right price. We service the areas of Harford County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City areas including Bel Air, Fallston, Perry Hall, Towson, Essex, Parkville, White Marsh and Middle River.
For service during business hours, reach out to us or give us a call at 410-592-7321. We offer 24/7 emergency service as well, just give us a call at 443-250-6649. For updates about our business and more informative tips, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.